SIS里的朋友 包括那些走了的老朋友 不认识 的朋友 新来的朋友 还有那些默默为SIS奉献的朋友 给不给高亮不重要,o(∩_∩)o... 重在交流,热闹 推荐理由:素有“英国天才女歌手”之称的Lily Allen是英国喜剧演员Keith Allen的女儿,性格火爆的莉莉常常语出惊人,被称为“呛辣公主”。额,从这首歌名也可见一斑了 这首单曲轻松活泼,过瘾非常,伸出你的中指一起唱吧!FUCK U!FUCK U! Look inside Look inside your tiny mind Now look a bit harder Cause we're so uninspired So sick and tired of all the hatred you harbor So you say It's not okay to be gay Well I think you're just evil You're just some racist who can't tie my laces Your point of view is medieval Fuck you (Fuck you) Fuck you very, very much Cause we hate what you do And we hate your whole crew So please don't stay in touch Fuck you (Fuck you) Fuck you very, very much Cause your words don't translate And it's getting quite late So please don't stay in touch Do you get Do you get a little kick out of being small-minded? You want to be like your father It's approval you're after Well that's not how you find it Do you Do you really enjoy living a life that's so hateful? Cause there's a hole where your soul should be You're losing control a bit And it's really distasteful Fuck you (Fuck you) Fuck you very, very much Cause we hate what you do And we hate your whole crew So please don't stay in touch Fuck you (Fuck you) Fuck you very, very much Cause your words don't translate And it's getting quite late So please don't stay in touch Fuck you, Fuck you, Fuck you Fuck you, Fuck you, Fuck you Fuck you... You say You think we need to go to war Well, you're already in one 'Cuz it's people like you that need to get slew No-one wants your opinion. Fuck you (Fuck you) Fuck you very, very much Cause we hate what you do And we hate your whole crew So please don't stay in touch Fuck you (Fuck you) Fuck you very, very much Cause your words don't translate and it's getting quite late So please don't stay in touch Fuck you (Fuck you) Fuck you (Fuck you) Fuck you (Fuck you)... 纵然只是一刻 百年似的My Friend愿你听着这一首歌
[flv]http://player.youku.com/player.php/sid/XMjg3OTcwMzAw/v.swf[/flv] 音乐地址:http://url.cn/DwWKDS