@echo off REM REM REM set RAMDISK_OPTIONS= REM REM , GUID for the WinPE boot entry REM set WINPE_GUID= REM REM Set Timeout REM bcdedit.exe -timeout 5 REM REM Create Ramdisk device options for the boot.sdi file REM bcdedit.exe -create %RAMDISK_OPTIONS% -d "Ramdisk Device Options" -device bcdedit.exe -set %RAMDISK_OPTIONS% ramdisksdidevice partition=D: bcdedit.exe -set %RAMDISK_OPTIONS% ramdisksdipath \boot.sdi REM REM Create WinRE boot entry REM bcdedit.exe -create %WINPE_GUID% -d "系统修复" -application OSLOADER bcdedit.exe -set %WINPE_GUID% device ramdisk=[D:]\winre.wim,%RAMDISK_OPTIONS% bcdedit.exe -set %WINPE_GUID% path \windows\system32\boot\winload.exe bcdedit.exe -set %WINPE_GUID% osdevice ramdisk=[D:]\winre.wim,%RAMDISK_OPTIONS% bcdedit.exe -set %WINPE_GUID% systemroot \windows bcdedit.exe -set %WINPE_GUID% detecthal yes bcdedit.exe -set %WINPE_GUID% nx optin bcdedit.exe -set %WINPE_GUID% winpe yes bcdedit.exe -displayorder %WINPE_GUID% /addlast pause |
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